Local Travel Soccer Program

Travel soccer represents a greater commitment than the recreational soccer programs, as it operates 9 months of the year and combines weekly training sessions with competitive play.

Teams  begin training in November, using indoor turf fields during the cold weather months, and moving outdoors when the weather breaks. Many teams will play in an indoor league, but we recognize that not every player can commit to indoor play due to conflicting sports and/or family schedule.

The vast majority of Kenmore teams play in the local travel league - the Buffalo/WNY Junior Soccer League, with play on set nights of the week from May to late July/early August. Games are mostly within Erie and Niagara counties.

Teams may also enter tournaments on selected summer weekends, but they are generally in the Buffalo/WNY area.

Regional Travel Soccer Program

The Regional program includes most of the Local Travel Soccer prorgam, but differs in two regards:

  • Teams play in regional leagues which would require travel within upstate New York, or sometimes to matches in western Pennsylvania and northeastern Ohio.
  • These teams also play in higher-level tournaments throughout the northeast.
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